September is that magical month where children in Little Rhodey go back to school. This year, Katie started Kindergarten and Kylie entered third grade. Both girls like their teachers and are doing well. Kylie brought home a note on Friday asking that we get her eyes checked. She's thrilled. She wants glasses. Who knew?
Katie was so excited on the first day that by the time I'd gotten up she was dressed (with shoes) eating her breakfast.
We've also started painting our house. Whose horrible idea was that, you ask? Erm, it might have been mine. But anywho, we've got great little helpers.
We started on the back of the house and everyone was part of the scraping for the first day.
Don't you love the goggles?
Now we're working on the front of the house. We've had to cut down most of our bushes and have stepped on the rest. We'll figure that out later, but the color on top Spanish Moss is our new and improved look. I'm also taking two classes at RIC, so I've been feeling super busy.
On another note, Nate has started dressing himself for Sundays. I didn't used to let him because he wanted to wear holey jeans or sweatpants, but I think he's got the idea now. In his words, I look like a little Daddy.
Greetings from the Other Side of the Hard Parts
4 weeks ago
Your kids are so cute! I love that your son did such a great job getting himself dressed! ;) My five year old is going through a "I don't like looking fancy!" stage, so that's fun. ;) Good luck with the painting. Looking good!